Investment Advice
Helping you achieve financial success
Your investment portfolio is a core component of your strategic financial plan and the key driver of your future financial success.
Your adviser follows a disciplined process designed to optimise investment outcomes while remaining within risk parameters that make sense for you. They will draw on the collective expertise of the broader E&P Financial Group to help craft your investment strategy. We firmly believe the best ideas are formed when talented minds work together and that our combined expertise has a multiplier effect.
You benefit from access to leading research expertise, the portfolio construction guidance of seasoned industry professionals and product due diligence conducted by a team of specialists.
You define success. We help you achieve it.
Professional portfolio construction
Asset allocation
Asset allocation is a critical determinant of return and should be set with a medium-term perspective.
Capital preservation
Portfolios should be designed to be resilient to episodes of market volatility and stress, and their ability to withstand such events should be regularly assessed and monitored.
Diversification offers protection from extreme events and drives better risk-adjusted returns. It should be sought across and within asset classes, geographies, holdings and managers.
Risk management
A comprehensive approach to assessing and managing risk is essential. Systematic stress-testing is applied to monitor risk through the cycle.
ESG and sustainable investing
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors feed into risk and return measurements. In addition, individual client sustainability preferences are considered when constructing portfolios.
The liquidity of assets should align to the risk appetite and investment horizon of the client. Illiquid assets should only be considered where there is adequate reward and high confidence in the underlying soundness of the asset.
Tactical opportunities
Portfolios need to be dynamic in response to changing macroeconomic conditions and market sentiment and the opportunities and risks they create.
Active management
We believe active managers can add value over the cycle after fees. Persistent outperformance is not easy, however. We focus considerable energy on identifying funds with the required risk alignment, skills, resources, experience and processes.
Investment decisions built on robust structure
Your adviser is supported by vast investment expertise and robust frameworks that guide the advice they give you to help you achieve your goals.
Core to this structure is the Investment Committee. Our Investment Committee draws on the expertise of the Chief Investment Office team and Product Review Group to cover all aspects of the investment process from asset allocation to macroeconomic views and product selection.

Investment Committee
The Investment Committee designs the investment frameworks which set out asset allocation and risk parameters.

Chief Investment Office
The CIO team monitors economic and market conditions and makes recommendations to the Investment Committee to guide asset allocation strategy.

Product Review Group
The Product Review Group provides recommendations to the Investment Committee for new investment products and manages our Approved and High Conviction product lists.