Security Disclosures


The Issuer has appointed Evans and Partners Pty Ltd as Broker to an on-market buy-back.  Accordingly, Evans and Partners Pty Ltd may be restricted from giving sellers advice in respect to a sale of this security.


The Issuer has appointed Evans and Partners Pty Ltd as Broker to an on-market buy-back.  Accordingly, Evans and Partners Pty Ltd may be restricted from giving sellers advice in respect to a sale of this security.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


E&P Financial Group Limited (E&P) partly and/or wholly owns or controls entities that provide services in relation to CD Private Equity Fund I (CD1) for which they receive fees. Evans and Partners is a wholly owned subsidiary of E&P. Directors or employees of E&P and/or its related bodies corporate are directors of the entities that provide services in relation to CD1. Each individual receives remuneration from E&P and/or its related entities. A subsidiary of E&P is currently providing services at cost under a transitional services agreement with K2 Asset Management Holdings Limited, the Responsible Entity.


E&P Financial Group Limited (E&P) partly and/or wholly owns or controls entities that provide services in relation to CD Private Equity Fund II (CD2) for which they receive fees. Evans and Partners is a wholly owned subsidiary of E&P. Directors or employees of E&P and/or its related bodies corporate are directors of the entities that provide services in relation to CD2. Each individual receives remuneration from E&P and/or its related entities. A subsidiary of E&P is currently providing services at cost under a transitional services agreement with K2 Asset Management Holdings Limited, the Responsible Entity.


E&P Financial Group Limited (E&P) partly and/or wholly owns or controls entities that provide services in relation to CD Private Equity Fund III (CD3) for which they receive fees.  Evans and Partners is a wholly owned subsidiary of E&P.  Directors or employees of E&P and/or its related bodies corporate are directors of the entities that provide services in relation to CD3.  Each individual receives remuneration from E&P and/or its related entities.  A subsidiary of E&P is currently providing services at cost under a transitional services agreement with K2 Asset Management Holdings Limited, the Responsible Entity.


E&P Financial Group Limited (E&P) partly and/or wholly owns or controls entities that provide services in relation to CD Private Equity Fund IV (CDIV) for which they receive fees. Evans and Partners is a wholly owned subsidiary of E&P. Directors or employees of E&P and/or its related bodies corporate are directors of the entities that provide services in relation to CDIV. Each individual receives remuneration from E&P and/or its related entities. A subsidiary of E&P is currently providing services at cost under a transitional services agreement with K2 Asset Management Holdings Limited, the Responsible Entity.


E&P Financial Group Limited (E&P) partly and/or wholly owns or controls entities that provide services in relation to CD Private Equity Wholesale Fund III (CDW3) for which they receive fees.  Evans and Partners is a wholly owned subsidiary of E&P.  Directors or employees of E&P and/or its related bodies corporate are directors of the entities that provide services in relation to CDW3.  Each individual receives remuneration from E&P and/or its related entities.  A subsidiary of E&P is currently providing services at cost under a transitional services agreement with K2 Asset Management Holdings Limited, the Responsible Entity.


The Investment Manager (IM) of Claremont Global Fund (Fund), and Evans and Partners Pty Ltd (EAP) are wholly owned subsidiaries of E&P Financial Group Limited (E&P) and related bodies corporate.  The IM will receive fees for services provided to the Fund.  The Portfolio Managers of the Fund are employees of E&P and/or its related bodies corporate.  Each individual receives remuneration from E&P and/or its related entities.


The Investment Manager (IM) of Claremont Global Fund (Fund), and Evans and Partners Pty Ltd (EAP) are wholly owned subsidiaries of E&P Financial Group Limited (E&P) and related bodies corporate.  The IM will receive fees for services provided to the Fund.  The Portfolio Managers of the Fund are employees of E&P and/or its related bodies corporate.  Each individual receives remuneration from E&P and/or its related entities.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has been appointed Lead Manager to an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates, for which it will receive a fee.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


DN1 E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.

PIM9684AU (Formerly EAF)

The Investment Manager (IM) of Orca Asia Fund (The Fund) and Evans and Partners Pty Ltd are wholly owned subsidiaries of E&P Financial Group Limited (E&P) and related bodies corporate.  The IM will receive fees for services provided to The Fund.  Directors or employees of E&P and/or its related bodies corporate are directors of the IM of The Fund. The Portfolio Manager and Assistant Portfolio Manager of The Fund are employees of E&P and/or its related bodies corporate.  Each individual receives remuneration from E&P and/or its related entities.

PIM4432AU (Formerly EGD)

E&P Funds Management Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd (EAP) and wholly owned subsidiary of E&P Financial Group Limited (E&P) will receive a fee for administrative services provided to Orca Global Disruption Fund (The Fund).  EAP Advisers may receive an ongoing commission in relation to funds that have already been invested in The Fund by certain wholesale clients.

PIM8122AU (Formerly EGF)

The Investment Manager (IM) of Orca Global Fund (The Fund) and Evans and Partners Pty Ltd are wholly owned subsidiaries of E&P Financial Group Limited (E&P) and related bodies corporate.  The IM will receive fees for services provided to The Fund.  Directors or employees of E&P and/or its related bodies corporate are directors of the IM of The Fund. Directors or Employees of E&P and/or its related bodies corporate are Portfolio Managers of The Fund. Each individual receives remuneration from E&P and/or its related entities.


The Investment Manager (IM) of Claremont Global Fund (Fund), and Evans and Partners Pty Ltd (EAP) are wholly owned subsidiaries of E&P Financial Group Limited (E&P) and related bodies corporate.  The IM will receive fees for services provided to the Fund.  The Portfolio Managers of the Fund are employees of E&P and/or its related bodies corporate.  Each individual receives remuneration from E&P and/or its related entities.


The Investment Manager (IM) of Claremont Global Fund (Hedged) (Fund), and Evans and Partners Pty Ltd (EAP) are wholly owned subsidiaries of E&P Financial Group Limited (E&P) and related bodies corporate.  The IM will receive fees for services provided to the Fund.  The Portfolio Managers of the Fund are employees of E&P and/or its related bodies corporate.  Each individual receives remuneration from E&P and/or its related entities.


The Investment Manager (IM) of Claremont Global Fund (Class B) (Fund), and Evans and Partners Pty Ltd (EAP) are wholly owned subsidiaries of E&P Financial Group Limited (E&P) and related bodies corporate.  The IM will receive fees for services provided to the Fund.  The Portfolio Managers of the Fund are employees of E&P and/or its related bodies corporate.  Each individual receives remuneration from E&P and/or its related entities.


The Investment Manager (IM) of Claremont Global Fund (Class B) (Hedged) (Fund), and Evans and Partners Pty Ltd (EAP) are wholly owned subsidiaries of E&P Financial Group Limited (E&P) and related bodies corporate.  The IM will receive fees for services provided to the Fund.  The Portfolio Managers of the Fund are employees of E&P and/or its related bodies corporate.  Each individual receives remuneration from E&P and/or its related entities.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has been appointed Lead Manager to an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates, for which it will receive a fee.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, is currently providing advisory services to the company, for which it may receive a fee.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


The Issuer has appointed Evans and Partners Pty Ltd as Broker to an on-market buy-back. Accordingly, Evans and Partners Pty Ltd may be restricted from giving sellers advice in respect to a sale of this security.


A director of E&P Financial Group Limited, the ultimate holding company of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, is a director of Lands’ End Inc.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


The Issuer has appointed Evans and Partners Pty Ltd as Broker to an on-market buy-back.  Accordingly, Evans and Partners Pty Ltd may be restricted from giving sellers advice in respect to a sale of this security.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has arranged, managed or co-managed an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates in the past 12 months, for which it received a fee.


A subsidiary of E&P Financial Group Limited currently has a commercial relationship with the Responsible Entity (RE) owned by the US Masters Residential Property Fund (URF), for which it receives a fee in relation to a transitional services arrangement to provide operational assistance for a period post RE appointment.


E&P Capital Pty Limited, a related entity of Evans and Partners Pty Ltd, has been appointed Joint Lead Manager to an offering of securities of the company or its affiliates, for which it will receive a fee.